1. Grant
    January 22, 2014 @ 2:26 pm

    Love the updates Rob, hope the wind improves for you guys..


  2. Michael
    January 22, 2014 @ 4:03 pm

    Howzit Rob,

    Thanks for all the updates and letting us enjoy the crossing vicariously through your blog! I hope you get to RIO asap so I can enjoy the write ups from there!

    On this side of the world I’m completing proposals, driving around for clients, changing nappies, doing kids homework and putting up with blaring cartoons that come with small kids. Enjoy the peace, calm and isolation while it lasts!

    I’ve got some Castles on ice this side so your thirst won’t last forever!



  3. kim
    January 22, 2014 @ 9:26 pm

    Ahoy sailors. One of the highlights of my day is my daily check and read of Robs blog. (Thanks Rob). My life, for one, will be that little bit poorer when you guys disembark in Rio. I can appreciate that it is first about the race, second about the crossing, and third your own personal goals, but I suspect that once the spray has settled and your lives are back to “normal”, you’ll be kind of wishing the voyage had taken longer, not shorter?! And, cliche, but the richest experiences are the ones that don’t go according to plan, aren’t they? Anyway, open ocean is where the mermaids live..!! Dreaming up some wind for you.. Lots of best wishes and happy thoughts. Rock on, rockers. Love kim (life-long friend of Mike)


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